JP Aero logo

A leading UK main distributor of standard and bespoke fasteners for international aerospace and other industries.

JP Aero Com was established in 1958, and has grown steadily into one of the foremost fastening providers in the UK.

Our Managing Director John Ward set up JP Aero Com following four years’ experience with an international manufacturer of aerospace and commercial self-locking nuts, which he had joined after leaving the RAF. He remains very actively involved in the business on a daily basis.

The continuity of the company and the maintenance of our high standards are assured by our solid financial base, and by a succession plan involving a younger family member, Operations Director Tim Ward.

Knowledge transfer

The family-run nature of our company is a valuable customer benefit, because it has ensured a high level of commitment in-house, and the seamless transfer of invaluable knowledge and expertise gained over the years.

A constant search for improvements

We have always moved with the changing times, and were one of the first distributors to obtain BS5750 approval. As well as investing in dedicated staff, we continue to upgrade to the most advanced technology – especially where it enables us to improve our processes and systems, so as to enhance the service we provide to our customers. We have invested in the most up-to-date IT system, which has vastly improved activities throughout every department within the company. We are always looking at ways to improve JP Aero Com as a company on a daily basis.